1). Where did you business name come from?
I have two fabulous daughters. One has a middle name of Rae and the other Lilly. They are both unique, gorgeous, headstrong souls and both girls are doing brilliant things with their lives. I am super proud of them and I wanted to honour both of them by having part of their names in my business name. Both of my daughters inspire me to do great things, and I used their middle names because the are both bright bubbly individuals (Just like my earrings) #proudmumma

 2) Tell me about free delivery / Pick up 
Sure thing. All shipping is sent from Brisbane, QLD. If you are local to Balmoral, please let me know as I welcome pick-ups. (Please note that I work shift work and suitable times will have to be agreed upon.  Order pick-ups will mean that the postage fee will be refunded. 

3) Do you ship overseas?
I certainly do, however with COVID delays currently in place worldwide, shipping is delayed to most places. Overseas Shipping prices vary when shipping from Australia, so if you are an overseas purchaser, please send me an email via the contact page to ensure your purchase can be shipped. 

4) Where do you get your inspo from?
Honestly, anything and anywhere. As a photographer, I have an eye for Colour, composition and framing nice images. My designs and creations are no different. I love colour combinations and stepping outside the box, which is probably why I am drawn to abstract creations. 
I have lived in a lot of beautiful places and as an avid traveller, I have been fortunate enough to travel and see some spectacular places. The breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon, The splendour of the New Zealand Alps, the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. Lets not forget the beauty in our own backyard.  I am drawn to bright colours because God knows, I've seen enough darkness in my "real-job"

5). Can you share a bit about your PTSD story?
Now, once upon a time I was reluctant to share this side of me, because I considered at the time that it was a weakness to struggle with the effects of trauma. I mean I was (& still am) working as a first responder in emergency services and in the public's eye, we are meant to be able to handle this stuff. 
I was first diagnosed with PTSD after I was deliberately run over by an offender trying to get away from us. I sustained a broken pelvis and other injuries out of that incident and struggled to go back to work. I relocated to a new town shortly after my "accident" (spoiler... It was not an accident), and a few years later I attended an incident which can only be described as horrific. I won't go into the details but it was a scene that no one (let alone a parent) should ever witness. I struggled terribly after that day and really went down hill from there. I was lucky enough to have good support networks around me at the time and I went and saw a psychologist who specialised in trauma associated with emergency services and first responders. I'm not going to lie. It has been a journey, and a sometimes gruelling process, but I am upright and proud of myself for being able to come through it and now happily share my story. If I can help one person overcome some of the issues associated with PTSD by sharing my story, then I feel I am helping. 

 6). I am not coping and need someone to talk to, can you help?

Absolutely. If you feel you are not coping, let me assure you that you are not alone. Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and anything that affects your ability to function should be taken seriously. I know first hand what it's like to struggle. While I am not an expert in this area (& comment simply on my own experiences), I can tell you that coming forward and speaking to someone is your first step to recovery. I have included some important links below; 

 7). How often do you release your products?
Initially I was releasing my earrings every month but not so long ago I was injured at work again which resulted in me needing to have spinal surgery. I had to take a bit of time off and I am slowly getting back into creating gorgeous pieces. I have also relocated to Brisbane so in the new year (2023)  I plan on having monthly releases again - watch this space.

 8). Did you say you also run a Photography business ? 
Yep I am a professional photographer and specialise in wedding / portrait photography sessions. I have photographed weddings all over the world and take pride in the fact that I am self taught. you can check out my work here; https://sharondawnphotography.com.au (New website currently under construction - you can check out my work on instagram @sharondawnphotography) 


9). Can I purchase any of your products other than online?
You sure can; I am very pleased to say I have some of my earrings stocked at the Kollective Store in Bundaberg and I will be stocking some items in Brisbane soon. I have also been selling my pretties at BrisStyle markets across Brisbane and I will post when I am going to host a stall. - Watch this space.